Saturday 7 June 2014

Buy and Try | May 2014

1. Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation
Honestly, a lot of people said they like this product but I really didn't like it at all. It was very cakey in my opinion. When I had it on, you could really tell I did and it broke my face out a lot and I never get pimples.

2. Avon Lip Crayon
The only thing I like about this product was the colour but the formula of this product was very drying on your lips even if you put a lip balm on underneath it, it still really dried my lips out.

3. Rimmel Lip Gloss
I didn't like this either unfortunately, the lip gloss was really sticky and where it had shimmer you could feel little beads on your lips. Also it made my lips look like I had stuff injected into my lips.. And not by a professional.

4. Avon Eyeshadow Duo
The product overall was actually pretty good, the unfortunate thing is that I didn't order these colours, they sent me the wrong one and wouldn't take it back. So I did like the product but the colours brown and pink didn't suit my blue eyes.

5. Maybelline Lipstick 
I actually loved every single thing about this lipstick! It wasn't too drying on my lips and also stayed true to its colour for I would say about 8 hours at least! The colour was also gorgeous.

6. NYX Matte Lip Gloss
I liked how this felt on my lips but colour did nothing for my face sadly :(

7. QUO makeup sponge
I didn't really have much of a chance to use this one because I didn't wear foundation much due to the Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation. So i am a little unsure on this product.

Sorry if this seemed all negative guys! I tried to keep it as positive as possible but I guess I just didn't pick out many products that were good for me! Thanks for reading :)

Saturday 10 May 2014

Buy and Try for May 2014

This month for May I'm going to do my first but and try! I've bought six things that I will use through out the month and at the end of May I will do a review on each one! Stay tuned :)

Saturday 19 April 2014

My Favourite Beauty Gurus!

As many of you know, Youtube is a website where anyone can go one and make videos about pretty much anything. The videos i most enjoy watching makeup/hair tutorials and all that girly stuff! So here is a list of my favourite channels and their links :)

1. Bethany Mota (Macbarbie07) 

My favourite thing about Beth is that she's not fake at all. She's hilarious and her videos are never boring!! She just launched a clothing line at Aeropostale. As a teenager, I find many of her videos relatable because she is also a teenager herself!                                         
The link to her channel is:

2. Aspyn Ovard (HauteBrilliance)

Aspyn is also a teenager which also makes it very easy to relate to her channel and videos.         
Link to channel:


3. Chelsea Crockett (BeautyLiciousInsider)

I really enjoy watching Chelsea's videos mostly because she is actually my age so when she does her tutorials its suitable for my age and the makeup isnt always so expensive and all that jazz.

The link to her youtube channel is:

4. Meredith Foster (StilaBabe09)

Meredith is just very fun to listen do, she does many different types of videos and has good style! Most of her clothes are decently priced so when she shows her viewers we can afford them :)
Her link is:

And that includes for of my favourite Youtube Beauty Gurus, I really hope you go check out their channels and hopefully they'll be some of your favourites too :)

Sunday 13 April 2014


I'm sure many of you have heard about Disney's newest hit "Frozen", this movie may be for kids but honestly it has touched the hearts of many adults as well.
Last week I was babysitting my 4 and 6 year old cousins and they asked me to put Frozen on for them! So I sat down and watched it with them. I can honestly say that it is my new favourite movie. 

SPOILER ALERT: Frozen is about a princess who has uncontrollable powers so she cuts herself off from everyone outside of her bedroom (including her little sister), throughout the movie people find out about her powers and she runs away so her sister goes on a journey to find her! 
I would say my favourite character is the snowman Olaf literally he is just way to cute I will put a picture of him at the end of this!
I would rate Frozen 5 stars for sure !!

Tuesday 8 October 2013

How to: deal with being ignored

So basically when you text someone that you have like a crush on or something and you finally get the nerve to text them, it really hurts when they don't text you back. Like that actually can make you feel so stupid so I am going to give you some ways to cope with being ignored! 

1. Just turn off your phone if it's actually bothering you that much, because if you are seriously worried and it's stressing you out.. Just take your phone and turn it it off.

2. Clean your room

3. Catch up on school work (lame I know)

4. Redecorate/rearrange your bedroom!!
If you're stressing about being ignored like forget about it and move your furniture around in your room to have a nice change!

5. Text someone you know will text you back!

6. Make a blog and complain about stupid people who don't text back (basically me)

7. Subtweet that person so they feel really awkward
For those of you who don't know what subtweeting is.. I'll urban dictionary it and post the exact definition "basically talking about someone behind their back on twitter so it's kind of to their face" hahaha

So those are only some things that I personally would do if I was being ignored! I hope this helped you all :)
- C

I literally almost threw up

So today i was scrolling down my facebook page, well actually it was like five minutes ago and like 3 people had a link shared about monster energy drinks. So first thing I did was click on it.
Like I swear to god after watching that I will never drink anything that i can not see through.
No more can drinks, if it isnt in a bottle then i will definitely not be drinking it.
So ya check out the video for yourself.